Regional Network for Historical Dialogue and Dealing with the Past

Found in 2013 RNHDP aims to contribute to the historical dialogue and reconciliation efforts in the Caucasus and in the Middle East. Based in Istanbul, Hafiza Merkezi acts as the coordinator of the network in cooperation with Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability Program in Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights and Columbia Global Centers | Turkey. The initial participants to the network have been from Turkey, Cyprus, Armenia, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine. The network events are open to the NGOs in the relevant countries whose work focus on historical dialogue, accountability, reconciliation, peace, human rights, conflict resolution and transitional justice.


1. Creating spaces for knowledge and experience exchange among the NGOs in the Middle East and Caucasus which work in the fields of reconciliation, peace, conflict resolution, human rights and transitional justice

2. Introducing the key concepts and practices of historical dialogue to the institutions working on reconciliation, peace, conflict resolution, human rights and transitional justice and supporting the development of individual and joint projects on historical dialogue , reconciliation and dealing with the past in the Middle East and Caucasus;